Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Ludwig TAVERNIER is an art historian, tour guide, author and editor. He is an expert in art history and its communication, hence the name arthistcom.
​After university teaching and research in Munich (DE), Rome (IT), Leipzig (DE), Santa Barbara (US), Graz (AT) and Salzburg (AT), he was appointed to the University of Koblenz-Landau (DE), where he heads the Institute of Art History on the Koblenz campus until his retirement in 2021. He is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg (AT) and a visiting professor at the University of Alba Iulia (RO). As an author and editor, he has published books and numerous articles. A focus of his work is the transfer of results from basic research in art history and cultural studies to school practice, adult education and tourism. This is how arthistcom Kulturmanagement came into being, where he provides EU certified study tour guides and product development consultancy for travel companies.
His research and study trips have taken him all over Europe, to Central Asia and the Middle East, to North Africa, to North America, to Mexico and to Cuba.